Desert Penguins

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Animals and Their Babies!

Is anything more adorable than watching animals and their little ones?! Whether you're watching them at the zoo, an aquarium, or your own backyard…this mother/child relationship is one that amazes us. As parents, it's intriguing to see how similar their protective instincts are compared to ours. Watch and enjoy this peak into animals and their families…

Creadit ~ Shine Yahoo

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Yucatan Squirrel - Long-eared Central American Tree Squirrel

The Yucatan squirrel (Sciurus yucatanensis), at first glance, can be easily mistaken for a common Eastern gray squirrel (Scirus carolinensis) from North America. But Yucatan squirrels have long ears that Eastern gray squirrels lack. Eastern gray squirrels rarely go further south than northern Mexico. Yucatan squirrels thrive in Mexico, Belize andnorthern Guatemala. It prefers to live in forests from sea level up to 2460 feet (750 meters.)

This species is not endangered, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Although evolved to live in trees, Yucatan squirrels have adapted to eating agricultural crops and gleaning food from tall, weedy areas. It can live near people, but is so timid that it can be hard to observe. It is hunted by humans, domestic cats, domestic dogs, large birds or prey, foxes, large snakes and weasels, so it has good reason to hide.

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Hero 'Lifeguard' Dog Saves Puppy From Drowning In Pool (VIDEO)

A dog’s love for its pup is no different from that of a mother and child as this YouTube video of a pooch rescue shows.

The mother of a golden retriever puppy instantly leapt into a swimming pool to save her distressed pup, which appeared to have been thrown into a backyard swimming pool.

Mum swam to the rescue, supporting her pup above the water with her snout.

At the edge of the water but unable to reach its little paws out, the pup's mother climbed out and grabbed it by its scruff.

However, the lifeguard dog saw the opportunity to teach the little ‘un a lesson, pulling the puppy around for nearly 10 seconds before coming to a stop and letting go.

The whole episode was captured on video, and since being posted to YouTube, has had 120,000 hits.

Some viewers cooed, others condemned the cameraman for doing nothing to help.

YouTube user PrincessLorie wrote: “Disgusting owner trying to get their 15 min. of fame by endangering poor, helpless animals.”

Others defended their actions, and offered some reasoning.

“This is how we trained our K-9 German Shepherds to swim and rescue,” Inventour1 wrote.

“We would toss them into the pool or ocean and let them figure it out. Dogs are tough and they can handle a little water now and then.”

Source ~ tntmagazine

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